Chromium (Cr) is a naturally occurring metal that can be found in soil and ground waters. It is a nonessential trace element for plant health but essential for animal health. The common forms of chromium are trivalent chromium, Cr(III), and hexavalent chromium, Cr(VI).

In the environment, hexavalent chromium occurs mostly as chromate ion (CrO42-). Chromium salts are used in numerous industrial processes including electroplating and the manufacture of pigments and paints. Historically, chromate was used extensively as a corrosion inhibitor in open and closed cooling water systems, however alternative inhibitors have superseded chromate due to environmental and public health concerns related to Cr VI discharges.

Our testing service will tell you how much hexavalent chromium is present in your water.


Sample Kit Shipping, Turnaround Time, and Reporting

Once you place your order, you will receive your water testing kit within 5-7 business days. Follow the water sampling instructions included in the kit and return the kit using the pre-paid return shipping label.

Once your sample is received by our laboratory, you will receive your results within 5-working days.

Your analytical data reports are emailed in .pdf format.

Note: The reported analytical data contained within the Hexavalent Chromium water test report are NOT to be used for compliance purpose.